You will always want to keep your dog healthy and happy. Luckily, there are so many tips to do that, but not all are entirely correct. Some people say to restrict their diet, and some say to leave their food out. People also say many different things about what your furry friend can or should eat. Here are some things that might be harmful to your dog.
Imagine this: it’s Thanksgiving, and you’re sitting around the table with your family eating a wonderful meal. Your dog comes up to you, and you can tell they want some of that amazingly cooked roast. You sit and wonder if giving them a small piece is okay. That situation is really easy to imagine because almost anyone with a dog has had this happen. You wonder if it is alright to give your little friend a taste. The answer to this is not exactly what you would expect. It is okay to give your dog a small amount of specifically “dog safe” foods from your table scraps, but only in limited amounts. Some foods are harmful to your dog, and it is best to stay away from them.
What is okay?
We often think certain food items will be okay to feed our pets, but many typical table scraps can actually harm your dog’s health. Some things are perfectly safe to feed your dog. Here are some things that are acceptable table options for your dog to snack on:
- Small pieces of beef, pork, and chicken (no skin or bones)
All dogs love meat, and it is excellent for them as long as it doesn’t have any skin or bones.
- Raw vegetables (no onions or garlic)
A dog’s favorite vegetable is carrots. Dogs absolutely love them, and they are full of beneficial vitamins that will not damage your dog’s health.
- Plain raw pumpkin
Pumpkin is another great option for dogs. Plain raw pumpkin is like a superfood for dogs because it contains so many minerals and lots of fiber which is fantastic for your dog’s digestive system.
- Fried eggs
Omelets are more likely to have onions, but plain eggs are suitable for your dog as a treat from the table. Eggs are known to strengthen hair and can even lessen the amount shed off from your dog’s coat.
- Plain yogurt (preferably not dairy)
Plain yogurt is a healthy choice of table scraps you could offer your dog. The high level of probiotics can positively impact your dog’s gut health. It is best to avoid yogurt with dairy, but other kinds are usually acceptable for your dog.
What to avoid:
You might want to give your precious puppy a taste of your food, but you have to know what is safe to offer your dog first. The main things you will want to stylishster avoid giving your pup are anything with high levels of salt, fat, or sugar. There are also certain kinds of beans and nuts to avoid, such as cocoa beans and macadamia nuts. (You will also want to avoid anything with chocolate since it’s derived from cocoa beans!) There are so many other things that can be harmful to your dog. Here’s a list of the most common foods that pose a danger to your pet:
- Raisins/Grapes
Grapes and Raisins are highly toxic to dogs and can cause kidney damage.
- Onions/Garlic
Onions and garlic are from the same food family and are toxic to dogs, cats, and other animals.
- Anything with Chocolate
Chocolate can be toxic to your dog.
- Anything containing Sugar or Salt
Too much sugar will have the same effect on dogs as humans. They will be at risk of becoming overweight and have problems with their joints. Ingesting too much salt will cause your dog to get thirsty. Ultimately causing more trips to the bathroom which could deplete them of specific vitamins very quickly.
- Anything starchy: Potatoes, Bread/Wheat, Cereal products, Oats, Rice
Starch-filled foods can bind different vitamins and minerals together, causing them to be unavailable to your dog during the digestion process.
- Raw meat
Raw meat can be harmful to dogs in the same way it is harmful to us. Your dog will be at risk of contracting diseases and foodborne illnesses.
- Bones
Some people think it is acceptable or even good for their dog to chew on a pile of bones leftover from the Turkey or Chicken, but cooked bones can splinter and puncture your dog’s throat or intestines. Bones that are too small pose a potential choking hazard and should never be fed to your dog.
- Turkey/Chicken skin
Turkey and chicken skin are high in fat and often have a much higher salt content. When consumed, these skins can cause your dog to have diarrhea or further issues regarding their digestion.
It can be more challenging to limit your dog’s snacking desires, especially with certain breeds such as the Goldendoodle! They’re known to have large appetites, but there’s still no reason to give in to your dog’s begging if the food isn’t safe. In some cases, even a tiny amount could be harmful!
When thinking about what is okay to give your dog from the table, there are many things to consider. You may deem certain household foods as perfectly safe and acceptable for your dog, or you may conclude that it’s best to stick to feeding them dog food and dog treats exclusively. Having the facts laid out in front of you makes the decision a lot easier, and you don’t have to wonder what is and isn’t okay for your dog to eat while he’s begging for your dinner!
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