There is a high likelihood that post your graduation days, you must have encountered situations to solve problems by using formulas. There is also a very high probability that you must have used search engines to look for formulas for your needs, use these formulas and forget. The reason is simple: the formulas are available at a click of a mouse button on your internet browsing machine then there is no need to memorize them. So, going back to the first statement. You do not remember the formula to solve the problems; you use search engines to look for formulas to solve your problems. In a regular, organizational or general setup, this is a normal situation. However, things change when you are writing an exam based on formulas.
What are the things that change when you write an exam? Some of the problems or questions or puzzles in such kinds of exams are based on formulas. Here, you do not have the luxury to use search engines to look for formulas and solve your problems. You cannot even ask the formula to a person writing the same exam sitting next to you. It would be unethical and could be detrimental to your future. So, what is to be done to avoid such kinds of situations? Need more guidance to prepare for your PMP® exam? Do you learn through discussion and dialogue? Techcanvass’s PMI-approved PMP Certification Training and PMP Prep Instructors can help you crack PMP in the 1st attempt. This article provides some simple yet useful tips and tricks to prepare for formula-based questions of PMP Exam as mentioned below:
Tips and Tricks To Answer Formula Based Questions
- All the formula-based questions are 100% scoring. These questions are purely objective; there is no subjective opinion about them.
- Memorize all the formulas. There is no escaping this step. This goes beyond saying that this is the most critical of all the steps, tips and tricks.
- When you memorize a formula, memorize it for all the possible combinations, forward and backward. E.g., CPI=EVAC
This is a formula to calculate Cost Performance Index. Based on this formula, you should be able to calculate EV if CPI and AC are given or you should be able to calculate AC if CPI and AC are given. (CPI -> Cost Performance Index; EV -> Earned Value; AC -> Actual Cost)
- There are approximately 50 Formulas in PMP.
- Prepare your own flashcards for these formulas. It would help immensely if you yourself create your own flashcards instead of copying these from others.
- Prepare your own mind-maps. This is one of the best techniques to memorize the formulas. This would also help you categorize the formulas.
- The simplest way to read all these formulas is to take a hard copy of them, and paste them on your room door or near the mirror or on the wardrobe or wherever you think pass frequently. It would be like an information radiator for you.
- While solving the mock test, do not look for formulas online or through printed material. Try to recall from your memory and use it.
- Solve as many mock tests based on formula as possible; especially the ones on Earned Value Management.
- Use formulas to solve the issues/problems in your organization or at home. This is the best way to remember and recall formulas. By doing so, you would also become aware of your memory capacity.
- It is usually said that the individuals taking the exam should create a brain-dump of formulas before starting the PMP exam. This could be a good way to start the exam. However, there is a downside to it. You might lose some of your most precious time while creating a brain-dump.
- Read the questions carefully. Sometimes, the numerical questions are simpler & easier, and sometimes they are simply tricky.
- Look for all the variables which are part of the formula, check for the completeness of the data provided & Solve the problem.
- Once you solve the problem, Verify It. This one is the crucial step. This is where you confirm the solution. If In doubt, then Re-Calculate and Reverify the solution so that you do not lose this question.
About The Author
Techcanvass is an IIBA Endorsed Education Provider (EEP) and offers Project Management Professional, CBAP, CCBA, AAC, CBDA and ECBA Certification training programs. Our training programs are well rounded programs and are not limited to training only. We have developed question banks, Study Guides, Mind Maps, Audio Books and a lot more. We have also started certification programs in Tableau and Power BI. Check out all the details at Techcanvass Website.
About the Author:
Chetan Sharma is a professional digital marketer and blogger at heart. He owns multiple educational blogs like HSSLIVE and many others.