board board trump dukeness dukellaw *Seriescoldeweytechcrunch ENDENDENDENDENDEND d. The last word on the board is spoken by the last person on the board. It’s not always that easy, right? Well… no one’s stopping you from saying ‘end’ or ‘end game’ right? The best way to make sure your final thoughts are positive and that your final smile is a ‘yessir’ is to say ‘End Game’. It will definitely quell any fears that you might have about speaking your final words on the board. And if you want to give it just a little something extra, why not share some words of end-game wisdom with all of your friends? Here are six boards that will do the trick!
What is the Final Words on a Board?
In the words of author Robert Cushman:
“It’s not what you say but how you say it that matters. If you say ‘I’ll do anything’, that means you want to do anything. If you don’t say ‘I’ll do anything’, that means you don’t want to do anything. If you say ‘I’ll do anything if someone else says yes’, that means you want to do anything if anyone else says yes.”
Conclusion -End Game-
If you don’t mind a bit of a long way to the finish, or you want to give it just a little something extra, here are six boards that will do the trick!
The Black King Game – An old favourite, this board game is all about looking for a way to win! The key is to find an odd number of blue pieces and then simply keeping them in an empty room! You will have to solve a series of puzzles until you find the solution!
## The Big Yog-Plane
This one is for the advanced student or those looking to tackle a bit higher up the chess scale. You will have to control your emotions, read the board and make strategic moves at all times. As with all board games, you will have to practice this one a little bit, just to make sure you do it right!
## The Tippmann Trophy
This is a hugely important board game in Europe, and it’s a shame it’s been nearly 70 years since it was released! It’s a favourite of historian and traveller Mark Twain, and while there are few things quite like the experiences you will have while writing history, the Tippmann Trophy is a bit of a favourite as well!
## The World Chess Match-Up between Black and White
This is one of the most famous matches in all of chess, and has been since 1877 when White and Black ruled Europe! This is the granddaddy of all board games, and there are many variations on it. If you want to challenge yourself, or have some extra time, or just want to show off your chess knowledge, this is the game for you!
## Final Words -END GAME!
If you’re really in a card- dominated mood, or you just want a bit of extra motivation to carry on, here’s one final board that will do the trick!
The King of England – This one is for the serious chess player, and is perhaps the most famous board game in all of chess! Everyone has their favourite king, and here’s one that everyone will want to play!
## Final Words -END GAME!
When it comes to final thoughts on the board, there is perhaps no one more qualified to say ‘end game’ than yourself! Your board is the most important thing in your life, and it’s up to you to make sure it looks its best during your birthday season!
The board should be your oyster, and it should be the most beautiful thing in the room when you sit down to dinner with your friends. Yes, it should be a beautiful piece of furniture and yes, it should be made from top notch materials. But most of all it should be easy to negotiate and fun to play.